Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The flower lady...

So, there's this lady that lives up on the corner of our street. We call her The Flower Lady because outlining her house on all four sides I'm sure, (can only see 3 because of a fence) is basically a small flower outlet. Flowers galore, and she's always out tending to them with her cats.

Last year I was told by my husband and eldest that they saw her walking down the road with her cat. As in, it was on a leash and she was walking it. I laughed and thought wow, how odd, but didn't know how much till I actually saw it with my own eyes. So I thought I would share on what I witnessed the other day. Hope it puts a smile on your face and makes you at laugh at least a little...Because I sure did.


Sandy said...

That is funny, but I LOL'd at your description of the flower gallery.
Good pic!

Steve said...

You didn't know that Larry (Debbie's dad) walks his cats on a leash?!?!?!?! We make fun of him too!!!

Kristine said...

What the.......? I've heard of people walking their cats on a leash but I never witnessed it, until now.

Steve said...

UPDATE ... Yesterday morning, "Boots," Larry's cat that he walked on a leash was hit by a car and died yesterday. Very sad. He was his baby.

AmyK said...

Steve~ Oh my goodness!! How sad!!

Steve said...

Does Amy still blog here?!