I got such a high from all this excitement, it just brings everything back to me when each of my babies were born. We are going to see her tomorrow and I can't wait to hold her and smell her and all of that newborn baby stuff.
Bruce and I are planning on having maybe 2 more, but not going to try for another year or so when he should be done with school and we are in a bigger house. I also need to lose weight or I will be on one of those TLC shows of people that are stuck in their house and can't get out...lol...Kind of funny though, lose weight to gain weight, but I need to lose regardless, but that's a whole other blog.
Growing up, I knew I wanted to have kids, but never thought it would be to the extent of how I feel about babies today. Both my children came into my life under crazy (so to speak) circumstances, but were definitely blessings from the Lord above and have changed me in ways no one will ever understand. It makes me think about God and his plans for us, and I believe he has come in and "saved" my life more than once now. My children are daily reminders of how great his gifts truly are and I can't be more thankful to be trusted with such a precious thing, life.

Amen ... 'nuff said.
That was beautiful! Perfect!
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