So here is to my first blog posting on e blogger...I have blogged before on Myspace, I am a die hard fan and even have gotten my mother and sister on there with me. It is a great way to keep in touch with friends, old and new and family. I can snap a picture (or 30) and post them to share whenever I like. It's great...
So I don't really have much to share today, but figured I need to start somewhere, right?
So what happened today....Mia went to school, Oliver was a riot as usual. There's this thing that his Uncle Dave does that goes, "O is for Oliver, yeah, yeah, yeah.." and with the yeah, yeah, yeah part you shake your arm in the air. Well today he actually said yeah, yeah, yeah..Bruce heard him too, so I know I wasn't just hearing things..He amazes me so much, he is so smart, just like his big sister!! But try to get him to say "mama" on cue and forget it!! There's been times when I go, say mama!! He looks at me and goes, "DADA". Then smiles, I think he does this on purpose!!
Not much else happened today, we did a little grocery shopping. Walmart of course, I can't wait till the new Giant Eagle is built here. AKA "The Bird" I hate Walmart and buying Chinese, but when you're struggling along just like the rest of Americans about now, you gotta go where the price is low....
Here are some pictures of my family including Walter (our mini wiener dog)....

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